同安科技供应多种记忆体产品,计算机零组件,手机零部件, 包括 Memory IC, Memory Modules, CPU, HDD, Memory Cards,智能手机屏幕,智能手机主板,智能手机电池,和其他一些配件.
Our High-Profile Brand Partners
dev_admin 在 周三, 2016-11-30 19:44 提交西部数据公司是美国一家专门研发和生产电脑硬盘的公司,在集成电路和数据存储方面拥有悠长的经验。在中国大陆和国际上,公司一般称为“西部数据”或简称为“西数”和“WD”;在台湾一般称为“威腾电子”。
- Green - 存储型硬盘,存储空间大但价格偏低,磁盘转速低但配以较大的缓存,主要面向简单的大容量储存环境。
- Blue - 主流产品,存储空间略低于Green,但磁盘转速多在7200rpm与5400rpm,处于Green与Black之间的级别,多见于OEM组装主机。
- Black - 性能级硬盘,PCB与企业级相同,拥有较高的磁盘转速和使用寿命,面向高端的储存需求。
- Red - NAS专用,5400rpm,24x7运作。
- Purple - 监控录像专用,支持32路视频流同时输入和16路视频流同时输出。
dev_admin 在 周三, 2016-11-30 19:41 提交金士顿科技公司是一家美国内存产品生产商,总部及生产设于加州芳泉谷,在美国、英国、爱尔兰、马来西亚、台湾与中国拥有后勤工厂。
dev_admin 在 周三, 2016-11-30 19:39 提交联发科技股份有限公司,简称联发科,成立于1997年,总公司设在台湾新竹科学工业园区,是一家Fabless IC设计公司,公司初期以光盘驱动器芯片为主,其后发展了手机及数字电视与穿戴式设备解决方案芯片。
dev_admin 在 周三, 2016-11-30 19:36 提交乐金显示公司,简称LGD,是一间设立于韩国的液晶面板的制造商,为LG集团的子公司。
前身是LG Philips Display,由韩国乐金电子公司与荷兰皇家飞利浦电子公司两家公司合资组成,但飞利浦公司在2008年卖出所持股份,公司从此成为LG集团的子公司。
dev_admin 在 周三, 2016-11-30 19:32 提交三星显示有限公司位于韩国忠清南道牙山市,为三星集团旗下的子公司,是一间专门生产TFT-LCD液晶电视所需液晶面板的公司。
前身是S-LCD Corporation,由日本索尼与韩国三星电子双方各持股50%所共同合资的公司,而目前三星电子已取得公司100%的股权。而三星电子也在收购其股权后将旗下面板部门、Samsung Mobile Display和S-LCD合并为独立为目前的新公司。
LG Display
dev_admin 在 周四, 2016-03-24 14:54 提交LG Display (Korean: LG 디스플레이) is the world's largest LCD panel maker. LG Display is one of the world's largest manufacturer and supplier of thin-film transistor liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD) panels, OLEDs and flexible displays. LG Display is headquartered in Seoul, South Korea and currently operates nine fabrication facilities and seven back-end assembly facilities in Korea, China, Poland and Mexico.
dev_admin 在 周四, 2016-03-24 14:52 提交MediaTek Inc. is a Taiwanese fabless semiconductor company that provides system-on-chip solutions for wireless communications, HDTV, DVD and Blu-ray. Headquartered in Hsinchu, Taiwan, the company has 25 offices worldwide and was the 4th largest fabless IC designer worldwide in 2013. Since its founding in 1997, MediaTek has been creating chipset solutions for the global market. MediaTek also provides its customers with reference designs.
Kingston Technology
dev_admin 在 周四, 2016-03-24 14:52 提交Kingston Technology Corporation is an American, privately held, multinational computer technology corporation that develops, manufactures, sells and supports flash memory products and other computer-related memory products. Headquartered in Fountain Valley, California, United States, Kingston Technology employs more than 3,000 employees worldwide as of Q1 2016. The company has manufacturing and logistics facilities in the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Taiwan, and Mainland China.
Western Digital
dev_admin 在 周二, 2016-02-23 23:32 提交Western Digital Corporation (commonly referred to as Western Digital and often abbreviated as WDC or WD) is an American computer data storage company and one of the largest computer hard disk drive manufacturers in the world, along with Seagate Technology.[4]
dev_admin 在 周二, 2016-02-23 23:31 提交S-LCD Corporation is a South Korean manufacturer of amorphous TFT LCD panels, owned by Samsung Electronics.
The company was established in April 2004 in Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea as a joint venture between Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd (51% share) and Sony Corporation (49% share).